Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Doug’s Diet, an attempt to beat cancer through nutrition.

I have Colon Cancer.

I have been attempting to fight the cancer through diet rather than Chemotherapy this time around and have been on the diet since February of 2013. In the first 10 weeks I lost 60 pounds and still weigh in at around 165 pounds today. (This was my weight when I graduated from U of F) I have been asked by several people to share my diet with them. The following is a description of how I settled on this diet and links to my research and resources.

I started a variation of a Ketogenic diet in February of 2013 with the hope that I could starve the malignant tumor that had metastasized to my liver. (Only four years after my Chemo treatments.) The scans at that time, showed the tumor to be 5 cm with undefined edges (a bad thing). The oncologist wanted me to come in immediately for treatment, but I had just started a move (The World Made Straight) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2420166/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast
as the prop master and could not walk away from the project. (The knowledge of the tumor made it a little difficult to concentrate on the movie for the first several days I can tell you.) In a way, being on the movie helped me cope. I was working 14 to 18 hours a day and really did not have time to think about it. One of the hardest things was avoiding the abundant amount of food that was on set that I could no longer eat.

After 10 weeks on the diet, the tumor had reduced in size to be 3.5 cm and had very defined edges. The surgeon was able to remove it completely and six months after the surgery, a PET scan showed no signs of it’s return. Another benefit of the diet is that I am no longer on high blood pressure medication, my sleep apnea is gone and I no longer snore. Even though I eat a high amount of fat, my cholesterol levels are perfect.

This site helps to define what a Ketogenic diet is and what it can do for you. http://www.ketogenic-diet-resource.com/ketogenic-diet-plan.html 

These are other sites that have good explanations of how the diet works.

I have been looking into nutrition as a cure since being diagnosed in 2009, but after surgery (removal of the sigmoid section of my large intestine) I opted for the more traditional method of treatment. I was told that without Chemo, there was only a 30% chance that the cancer would not return and with Chemo there was a 70% chance of being cancer free for 5 years.  My experience with Chemo was not a pleasant one. But that is a different story.

There is enough literature about nutrition out there to keep you reading 24/7 for the rest of your life. With the help of my Father, an avid researcher and someone who has personally survived cancer through diet, we focused on two simple theories for starters. Cancer thrives on sugar and Cancer likes an acid environment. (Some Doctors will argue against the “thrives on sugar” statement, but look up how a PET scan works and draw your own conclusion.)

The plan was to find foods with low to no carbohydrates that became alkaline when digested and that are high in good fats. This involved cross-referencing dozens of lists. We discovered that different lists gave different values and that some foods like lemons and grapefruit are acid, but become alkaline when digested and other foods like dairy, are alkaline but go acid in your system. This is a list of Alkaline and Acid forming foods. I have no idea what the numbers mean, but the higher the number, the more alkaline or acid the food is.

This site gives some good examples of the carbohydrate values in some foods. It is always best to compare apples to apples, so when you research carb values, always use the “per 100g” setting.

You can search this site for the carb value of different foods. You can subtract the dietary fiber number from the total carbohydrate number, but keep an eye on the sugar value. For example, red tomatoes have a carb count of 4g per 100g. 1g of dietary fiber and 3g of sugar so when you subtract the dietary fiber, red tomatoes are very low in carbs, but almost all sugar. Yellow tomatoes however, have 3g of carbs per 100g, 1g of dietary fiber and 0g of sugar.

This link is to a book that is an easy read about the Ketogenic diet. The last half of the book contains recipes for low carb meals.

We decided that I would start with a very simple plan to begin with. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what to eat when you look at everything all at once. For the first 10 weeks, I limited my diet to combinations of; wild caught Alaskan salmon in can and steak forms, raw spinach, avocados, asparagus, zucchini, cucumbers and shrimp. I use a lot of olive oil and coconut oil. As your body starts to burn fats instead of carbs, you need to increase your good fat consumption.

I would grill the salmon steaks, asparagus, zucchini and shrimp, make salmon salad and stew out of the canned salmon and big salads from the spinach, avocados and cucumbers.  Most spices are good for you, so spice it up. That being said, processed salt, sugars, artificial sweeteners and any chemical you cannot pronounce (and some you can) are to be avoided. Yes that means all sodas and most juices.

After four weeks on the diet, I had lost 40 pounds. I also experienced memory issues and discovered that your body needs some forms of salt to keep the synapses firing. I started adding alkalizing salts
into my food preparation and after two weeks the memory issues had cleared up.
I am also taking a handful of supplements twice a day.

These are links that describe what each supplement does for you.

Omega 3

Vitamin C

Colon Health

Vitamin K2+D3



Alpha Lipoic

Vitamin E

Advanced D

CoQu 10

Omega 3 Krill Oil

Folic Acid



In conclusion, I am still on the diet, with the addition of cheeses, organic meats and Bud Select 55 (a beer with only 1.8 g of carbs per can verses the 12 g in most beer). My weight has stabilized at 165 and I have a lot of energy.

Good luck to you and I hope this information is beneficial

Doug Mackenzie

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Creating outdoor public space

Over the past few years, I have helped create several public spaces for the town of Marshall NC.

The design and construction of a mobil stage.

Funded by the NC Rural Center as an economic development project.

                                                      The stage folds up for transport.

Is ADA compliant.

And doubles as a picnic shelter.

The design and construction of two picnic centers.

Funded by grants through Lowes and the Parks and Rec Trust Fund.

The pour.

An inconvenient pause.
I had a tumor removed from my liver. Related to the colon cancer.

Back to work. Three days out of the hospital.

The first picnic center.

The completed second center.

Center in use.

The construction as a volunteer using volunteers of the new playground.

Funded by grants from the Parks and Rec Trust fund and BYO Playground equipment.

The "Spinny Thing" by far the most popular item in the playground.

The design and construction of an interactive welcome sign, located at the entrance to the Island Park.

If you stand in the right place and line up the courthouse, you will see all of the other buildings that were there in 1920.

Do to health related issues, I have recently resigned as Chair from the Marshall Parks and Rec Advisory Board. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Strike Two

As some of you may know, my cancer has returned and is now in my liver and possibly my lungs. I found out four days before starting as prop master on a movie ("The World Made Straight" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2420166/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast ).
The doctors wanted me to come in immediately for a PET scan and a biopsy. I told them I was apposed to biopsies (I believe they release the cancer cells into your system) and that I could not come in until I was finished with the movie in mid April. Instead I have gone on a strict variation of the Ketone diet. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/03/10/ketogenic-diet.aspx
The theory is that cancer feeds on sugar - glucose that is produced by carbohydrates (and sugar of course). By cutting carbs from your diet, your body starts burning fat as its energy source instead. Apparently cancer cells, for some reason, can not survive on a fat diet and die. The trick is not eating any carbs and eating good fats that will fuel your healthy cells. The other important thing to watch is your PH level. The ketone diet will drop your PH levels, so I have been taking lots of supplements including Alkalinity Salts. In a previous blog I stated that salt was bad for you. I was wrong. It is the highly processed salt that is bad. Unfortunately, most processed food is full of the bad salt. Even sea salt is bad if it is processed. The body has a hard time processing the bad salts and puts them away as fat for a future time that never comes. If you use the Alkalinity salts, you can use as much as you like.
I will let you know how my tests turn out at the end of April.
P.S. Caffeine and Alcohol are also off the diet. #%$###