Sunday, September 29, 2013

Creating outdoor public space

Over the past few years, I have helped create several public spaces for the town of Marshall NC.

The design and construction of a mobil stage.

Funded by the NC Rural Center as an economic development project.

                                                      The stage folds up for transport.

Is ADA compliant.

And doubles as a picnic shelter.

The design and construction of two picnic centers.

Funded by grants through Lowes and the Parks and Rec Trust Fund.

The pour.

An inconvenient pause.
I had a tumor removed from my liver. Related to the colon cancer.

Back to work. Three days out of the hospital.

The first picnic center.

The completed second center.

Center in use.

The construction as a volunteer using volunteers of the new playground.

Funded by grants from the Parks and Rec Trust fund and BYO Playground equipment.

The "Spinny Thing" by far the most popular item in the playground.

The design and construction of an interactive welcome sign, located at the entrance to the Island Park.

If you stand in the right place and line up the courthouse, you will see all of the other buildings that were there in 1920.

Do to health related issues, I have recently resigned as Chair from the Marshall Parks and Rec Advisory Board. 

1 comment:

April Burk Clark said...

I am so impressed with your attitide and positivity. You're on my mind and in my heart.
Love, April